
The parent company, Kommunal Landspensjonskasse (KLP), and its wholly owned subsidiaries together have about 1000 employees.

The Company's Board of Directors is elected by a Supervisory Board composed of representatives of the owners who comprise municipalities and county authorities, health enterprises and companies. The public sector employee organisations are represented in the Company’s governance bodies.

Bilde av gangbro til Bjørvika i Oslo
Bilde av gangbro til Bjørvika i Oslo

Kommunal Landspensjonskasse gjensidig forsikringsselskap (Org. No. 938 708 606)
KLP Skadeforsikring AS (Org. No. 970 896 856)
KLP Eiendom AS (Org. No. 988 394 750)
KLP Forsikringsservice AS (Org. No. 967 696 676)
KLP Kapitalforvaltning AS (Org. No. 968 437 666)
KLP Bedriftspensjon AS (Org. No. 990 329 389)
KLP Banken AS (Org. No. 993 821 837)
KLP Kommunekreditt AS (Org. No. 994 526 944)
KLP Kreditt AS (Org. No. 963 415 524)
KLP Bankholding AS (Org. No. 993 749 532

Kommunal Landspensjonskasse (KLP) is Norway's largest life-insurance company. KLP provides pensions, finance and insurance services to municipalities, county authorities, health enterprises and to businesses both in the public and the private sector, and to their employees. The KLP Group has total assets of NOK 765 billion.

  • Financial reports (LINK)

About KLP

The formal name of the parent company is Kommunal Landspensjonskasse gjensidig forsikringsselskap (Kommunal Landspensjonskasse Mutual Insurance Company). KLP and its subsidiaries together have about 1000 employees.

The Group provides secure and competitive products and services in:

  • Pension and pension fund services
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Fund and asset management
  • Property

KLP is the leading provider of occupational pensions to the public sector and associated organisations. The mutual ownership model of the parent company in which a customer is also an owner means that KLP must always supply products and solutions in consultation with its customers.

Pension agreements with the Company:

  • 414 municipalities and county authorities
  • 2 500 companies
  • 29 out of 30 enterprises and the four regional health enterprises

The pension scheme covers:

  • 451,000 occupationally active members
  • 278,000 pensioners
  • 220,000 deferred entitlements
  • Kommunal Landspensjonskasse corporate Articles of Association (PDF)

Managing Director: Sverre Thornes

Organisation number: 938 708 606

Telephone number: +47 55 54 85 00

Postal address:

Postboks 400 Sentrum
0103 Oslo

Visiting address:

Dronning Eufemias gate 10, Oslo

KLP Skadeforsikring AS was formed in 1994 as a continuation of the mutual company Kommunal Ulykkesforsikring and is a full service non-life insurance company offering insurance solutions to municipalities and companies/institutions. In the course of only a few years the company has built up an appropriate competency organisation.

The customers’ regulatory framework undergoes continuous change. KLP monitors these processes so that we are a competitive company at all times. More than 360 of the country’s local authorities and more than 1300 companies and institutions are customers with us today! In June 2008 KLP Skadeforsikring AS launched sales of personal non-life insurance.

KLP Skadeforsikring AS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kommunal Landspensjonskasse. We have about 150 employees directly associated with the non-life company’s operation.

Insurance agent information:

In accordance with the Norwegian Act on Insurance Mediation, when an insurance company enters into an agreement with an insurance agent enterprise it is a requirement that this be made known.

We use the following agent:


Name of insurance agency

NextCall AS

Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer

Stein Kristensen

Agency address

Postboks 225, Sentrum, 3701 Skien

The business is conducted in


Supervisory authority

The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway

Managing Director: Tore Tenold

Organisation number: 970 896 856

Telephone: +47 55 54 85 00

Postal address:
KLP Skadeforsikring
Postboks 400 Sentrum
0103 OSLO

Visiting address:
Dronning Eufemias gate 10, Oslo 

KLP Eiendom AS is a wholly owned subsidiary of KLP. KLP Eiendom is one of Norway’s largest real estate managers with more than 2,200,000 square metres for office/ commercial premises, shopping centres, hotels, housing and leasehold properties. By far the majority of our properties are centrally placed in Oslo, offering high building standards, effective use of the area involved, and a pleasant atmosphere.

Flexible premises are typical for our business, as is extensive service and efficient operation. All this provides your organisation with something of primary importance: an effective workday.

Corporate structure
KLP Eiendom is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kommunal Landspensjonskasse (KLP), whose investment in the property market is part of its long-term asset management policy. The KLP Eiendom AS Group owns the subsidiaries KLP Eiendom Oslo AS, KLP Eiendom Trondheim AS, KLP Fastigheter AB in Stockholm (Sweden), KLP Ejendomme A/S in Copenhagen (Denmark) and KLP Real Estate Europe s.a.r.l (Luxembourg) .

Business concept
KLP Eiendom AS is KLP’s tool for investment in the property market. The Company’s business concept is to create value through investing, developing and letting out property in line with KLP’s overall strategy for capital investment. Investments are to be made on a commercial basis, while safeguarding human rights, worker rights, the environment and ethical business principles in compliance with KLP’s adhesion to the UN Global Compact and the UN principles for responsible investment.

KLP Eiendom is to be “a host for aware tenants”

Investment is to be made in the following:

  • Office buildings
  • Educational buildings
  • Shopping centres
  • Housing
  • Hotels

Managing Director: Gunnar Gjørtz

Organisation number: 988 394 750

Telephone number: +47 55 54 85 00

Postal address:
KLP Eiendom
Postboks 400 Sentrum
0103 Oslo

Visiting address:
Dronning Eufemias gate 10, Oslo

KLP Kapitalforvaltning AS manages assets on behalf of the insurance business in the KLP Group and other customers through the KLP funds. 

What do we do?
KLP Kapitalforvaltning AS is an asset management company with a license from the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway to manage mutual funds and alternative investment funds, as well as active management and related services. As of August 31, 2024, we have 78 employees and manage approximately NOK 855 billion in a broad range of fixed income and equity portfolios. 

Ethical responsibility
If one is going to invest in the future one should also take responsibility for it. For us, part of that responsibility means having a conscious approach to the wider social consequences of our investments. When we consider investment opportunities and collaborative partners both the environment and human rights are important factors. 

The history and management of the company
The company was formed in 1994 under the name KLP Fondsforvaltning AS and changed name to KLP Kapitalforvaltning AS in 2015 in connection with the company merging with KLP Kapitalforvaltning. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kommunal Landspensjonskasse (KLP). The company's board of directors is comprised of internal, external and employee-elected board members.

Managing Director: Håvard Gulbrandsen 

Organisation number: 968 437 666 

Telephone number: +47 55 54 85 00 

Postal address:
KLP Kapitalforvaltning
Postboks 400 Sentrum
0103 Oslo 

Visiting address:
Dronning Eufemias gate 10, Oslo

KLP Banken was launched in February 2010 as an online retail bank with attractive and basic savings and lending products. The bank offers the following products: current accounts, savings accounts, online banking, debit cards, credit card, ordinary housing mortgages, housing-linked credit, lending for holiday homes, BSU (housing savings scheme for young people) and Litt Extra (equity release for over-60s).

In its operation and marketing KLP Banken pays particular attention to the members of the pension schemes administered by KLP. KLP Banken is to be a direct bank for customers seeking a long-term and predictable partner. In this way we want to be the preferred bank for KLP's members and pensioners as well as other personal customers who find the bank's services and our fundamental values attractive.

Late 2013, KLP Banken established KLP Boligkreditt AS, a wholly-owned mortgage covered bond-issuing entity. 2014 will be the first year of full operation. This is the second covered bond-issuing company established by KLP Banken (the first was KLP Kommunekreditt AS, which manages public sector loans).

KLP Banken is 100 per cent owned by KLP through a 100 per cent owned holding company, KLP Bankholding AS.

Managing Director: Leif Magne Andersen

Organisation number: 993821837

Telephone: +47 55 54 85 00

Postal address:
KLP Banken
Beddingen 8
7042 Trondheim

Visiting address Trondheim:
Beddingen 8, Trondheim

Visiting address Oslo:
Dronning Eufemias gate 10, Oslo

KLP Kommunekreditt AS has long experience of lending to Norwegian local authorities and their organisations. Following the takeover of Kommunekreditt Norge AS in June 2009, KLP Kommunekreditt now has responsibility for a lending portfolio of about NOK 55 billion.

KLP Kommunekreditt's aim is to be the leading financial partner for the public sector. There will continue to be major development projects in the sector in for example care services, kindergartens, schools, roads, water, sewerage/drainage, and waste disposal. Ever stronger focus on tasks associated with climate and the environment will in addition involve increased financing needs for our customer groups.

KLP Kommunekreditt emphasises a high level of competency in local authority financing and advice, cost effective operation and competitive financing with low risk.

KLP Kommunekreditt are owned by KLP's wholly owned subsidiary KLP Banken AS.

Managing Director: Carl Steinar Lous

Organisation number: 994 526 944

Telephone: +47 55 54 85 00

Postal address:
KLP Kommunekreditt
Postboks 8814
7481 Trondheim

Visiting address Trondheim:
Beddingen 8, Trondheim

Visiting address Oslo:
Dronning Eufemias gate 10, Oslo 

KLP Boligkreditt AS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of KLP Banken AS and was formed to increase  competitiveness in the retail market. During the first six months of 2014 the Company got all the necessary licences to operate as a mortgage credit institution issuing covered bonds. Mortgages will be assigned by KLP Banken and KLP, after which they will be transferred to KLP Boligkreditt in order to form part of the collateral pool on the issuance of covered bonds. The first mortgages were transferred from KLP Banken AS in May 2014.

Managing Director: Christopher Steen

Organisation number: 912719634

Telephone: +47 55 54 85 00

Postal address: 
KLP Kommunekreditt
Postboks 8814
7481 Trondheim

Visiting address Trondheim: 
Beddingen 8, Trondheim

Visiting address Oslo: 
Dronning Eufemias gate 10, Oslo

Since its formation in 2006, KLP Bedriftspensjon AS, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kommunal Landspensjonskasse, has proved itself a competitive provider of pension schemes to companies in both the public and the private sectors. KLP has agreed a deal with DNB Livsforsikring AS for the sale of all shares in KLP Bedriftspensjon AS. 

An important area of effort for KLP Bedriftspensjon AS is defined contribution and defined benefit pensions, combined with varying degrees of risk profiles as chosen by the customer. The investment in defined contribution pensions makes KLP a more comprehensive occupational pension provider. KLP Bedriftspensjon AS exploits the Group's competitive advantage in the form of a high level of pensions and asset management expertise, low costs and a clear ethical profile in asset management.

The company offers a comprehensive product package for customers who do not have a municipal pension scheme.

For customers choosing to move from the gross scheme to defined contribution pensions the accumulated entitlement in the gross scheme will be retained in Kommunal Landspensjonskasse whereas the defined contribution scheme will be set up in KLP Pensjonsforsikring AS.

KLP will market three main profiles with differing risk. These savings profiles will have equities proportions starting at 70, 50 and 30 per cent respectively. Investment profiles with higher and lower equities proportions will also be offered where the customer so desires.

Managing Director: Torun Wahl, telephone +47 930 02 549

Organisation number: 990 329 389

Telephone number: +47 55 54 85 00

Postal address:
KLP Bedriftspensjon
Postboks 400 Sentrum
0103 Oslo

Visiting address:
Dronning Eufemias gate 10, Oslo 

KLP Forsikringsservice AS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kommunal Landspensjonskasse and its work is dedicated to pension funds. The business started in 1967.
The company has special competency in public sector occupational pensions and offers a full spectrum of pension fund services.
The provision of these services is done in close collaboration with KLP's life insurance division.

KLP Forsikringsservice AS has special competency in public sector pension schemes and offers professional insurance services to the municipal and county authority pension funds.

Pension fund services:
Currently KLP Forsikringsservice provides the following services:

  • Pension calculations
  • Membership register/Nettpensjon (internet-based pension)
  • Actuarial services
  • Briefings – courses - training
  • Administration
  • Legal advice
  • HES support
  • Chief Executive
  • Accounting calculation of pension costs and pension obligations.
  • Asset management

KLP Forsikringsservice is the market leader in providing pension fund services to the local government sector.

Contact person: Acting Chief Executive Erik Falk

Organisation number: 967 696 676

Telephone number: +47 55 54 85 00

Postal address:
KLP Forsikringsservice AS
Postboks 400 Sentrum
0103 Oslo

Visiting address:
Dronning Eufemias gate 10, Oslo