Below you will find more about the composition of the Group board of directors, the boards of directors in the subsidiaries, the general meeting, the election committee and the supervisory board of KLP.

1st deputy: Rune Simensen is director of technology and e-health at Helse Sør-East RHF. He is regularly attending from may 2022.
2nd deputy: Tone Ikdahl is Managing director of Lovisenberg Diakonale Hospital. New member on the board from 2023.
- Sissel Merete Skoghaug, Fagforbundet (deputy member for Odd Halgeir Larsen)
- Eirik Johansen (deputy member for employees)
- Erik Orskaug, UNIO (observer)
- Trond Ellefsen, Delta/YS, (observer)
- Dag Bjørnar Jonsrud, YS (deputy observer)
- Ingjerd Hovdenakk, UNIO (deputy observer)
Boards of subsidiaries
KLP Skadeforsikring AS
Sverre Thornes (Chair)
Tore Isaksen
Hege Hodnesdal
Anna Camilla Bruno Dunsæd
Ole Rikard Rønning
Christin Schackt Bjølverud (employees’ representative)
Vegard Meen-Tandberg (employees’ representative)
Odd Steinsrud (deputy employees’ representative)
Nina Johansen (deputy employees’ representative)
Tore Tenold (CEO)
KLP Kapitalforvaltning AS
Aage Schaanning (Chair)
Jorunn Ygre Storjohann
Gro Myking
Hilde Aunvåg
Leif Ola Rød
Magne Valen-Sendstad (employees’ representative)
Ida Louise Skaurum Mo (deputy)
Gunnar Børjesson (deputy)
Jens Kristian Bøe (deputy)
Benedikte Waage-Abrahamsen (deputy employees’ representative)
KLP Eiendom AS
Aage E. Schaanning (Chair)
Rune Hørnes
Ann-Elisabeth Tunlie Moe
Mimi Berdal
Tor Jakob Reitan
Bjarte K. Bratten (employees’ representative)
Marianne Martinsen (deputy for Bjarte K. Bratten)
KLP-Huset AS
Eskild Rolstad (Chair)
Hans Vidar Sund
Camilla Qinghuayu Henriksen
KLP Bedriftspensjon AS
Marianne Sevaldsen (Chair)
Rune Mæland
Gro Myking
Alexander Berg Larsen
Stig Even Jacobsen
Harald Ramon Hagen (employees’ representative)
Håkon Ingar Eidissen (deputy employees’ representative)
KLP Forsikringsservice AS
Sverre Thornes (Chair)
Hans Petter Horsgaard
Arnfinn Osmundsvaag
Cathrine Hellandsvik
Heidi Iren Sunde
KLP Banken AS
Sverre Thornes (Chair)
Aage E. Schaanning (deputy chair)
Janicke Elisabeth Falkenberg
Per Kristian Vareide
Anne Bjertnæs
Ellen Winger Ler (employees’ representative)
Jonas Vincent Kårstad (employees' representative)
Roar Bakken (deputy employees’ representative)
Lise Aarnes Brændshøi (deputy employees’ representative)
KLP Kommunekreditt
Aage Schaanning (Chair)
Aina Slettedal Eide
Aud Norunn Strand
Jonas Vincent Kårstad
KLP Boligkreditt AS
Aage Schaanning (Chair)
Aina Slettedal Eide
Lill Stabell
Jonas Vincent Kårstad
General Meeting
The Company's highest authority is its General Meeting which comprises elected representatives of the Company's owners. The General Meeting for 2018-2020 comprises 173 delegates. These are elected from 22 election constituencies.
Each county authority together with its municipalities comprises its election constituency with the exception of Oslo which forms part of the Akerhus County constituency. Each of the regional health enterprises with its subsidiaries forms its own constituency and the companies together form one election constituency. In each constituency an election meeting is held to elect delegates to the General Meeting. The number of votes is linked to the size of the customer relationship.
The General Meeting:
- approves the annual accounts and allocation of profits or coverage of losses
- approves the annual report
- elects the Control Committee and 24 of the 45 members of the Supervisory Board
- sets the remuneration of the Supervisory Board and Control Committee
- approves any changes in KLP's Articles of Association.