KLP is owned by municipalities, health enterprises and businesses with public-sector occupational pensions. As our customers are also our owners, the assets are returned to the customers as a group.

KLP started out as a collaborative operation because several small municipalities in Norway could not afford their own pension fund. We are now Norway’s largest pension company. The most important thing we do is to ensure that our members receive the best return on their pension funds.
Customers with public-sector occupational pension schemes are guaranteed an annual return from KLP. All of the returns KLP achieves over and above what customers are guaranteed are profit. The profit is either used to build buffers or returned to customers. The customers can then use it to pay their pension premiums.
KLP’s customers and owners/corporate members comprise:
- Municipal authorities
- County authorities
- Health enterprises
- Independent companies affiliated to the public sector
The management systems within KLP are designed to ensure that the overall goal of adding value for customers is achieved in an economical, efficient and socially responsible manner.
Collectively agreed right to an occupational pension
Public-sector workers have a collectively agreed right to an occupational pension, a contractual pension (AFP), accident/occupational injury insurance and group life insurance. Our pension and insurance schemes safeguard the rights in the relevant collective agreements. 660,000 public-sector employees have pension schemes with KLP.
Articles of Association
The current Articles of Association for KLP were adopted by the General Meeting on 11 May 2016, and have been approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway.
See the Articles of association